Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week 10 Reading Notes: Hindu Legends, Part B

From the first page of this story I knew that it was going to be interesting. A King is always a character that has a lot of possibilities within its story arch. From the first couple of pages I get the sense that the hermits praising the King may go to his head, but I may be wrong. A line that I find interesting is “May you have the greatest of all blessings, a son distinguished for virtue and valour, fir to rule the world in peace”. I could potentially write a story solely based on this quote. It has a lot of potential on where to go. In my story I could write it from the Kings point of view. Once he hears the hermits say this, it would alter everything that he does. Would be do everything possible to maintain the world in peace or would he let it go to his head that they said he was of virtue and valour? It would be neat to see where the character goes in oppose to where the actual story goes.

a possible hermit from the story 

Sakuntala tells Dushyanta that the hermit Canna is not her father, but rather prince Causica is. The hermit took her when she was a baby. After she said this, Dushyanta immediately began thinking of her as his wife and queen. What if I switched the story around? Maybe she could be born from the peasant but the prince took her as a baby. This would make her different from others around her. It would be her secret that she would not want to get out in order to not harm her reputation. This would be a different type of story then what I usually write. It would still be a love story in a sense, but more of an alteration of the original story and would follow the lie that Sakuntala tells. Would the King still love her? Or would be pity her for being born of a hermit?

Bibliograhpy: The Indian Story Book written by Wilson, online source

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