Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 10 Storytelling: The Follow

This is a strange love story. One that is different from many others. It involves the story of how Rama and Sita got married. Their meeting and partnership is the epitome of 21st century relationships. Come along and see how it all got started.

Rama was a young man that had a strong following on all of his social media platforms. His favorite app was a tie between Instagram and Twitter. During Rama’s daily scroll through his pages he saw a girl that he had never seen before. Immediately he spoke out “She’s a dime”. He clicked on her profile and saw that she had roughly the same amount of followers. This is good because he can use this to his advantage to get her followers to follow him. Anyway, he began to read her bio. It stated
“Selfie queen, Yogi and Dog lover
My family means the world to me
My dad is the creator of PopTarts
Don’t even try to get on my level”
*multiple emojis were included

After reading this, it seemed as if Rama had been struck with cupid’s bow. He typed out a message that stated
“Hey girl. I think you are absolutely stunning. Want to chill sometime?”

Sita quickly responded with
“Hey boy. I would like that. What’s your number?”

They quickly began to talk to one another. They were up until 2 am every night just talking and face timing. Rama and Sita were actually getting to know each other.

The next day Rama tried calling Sita, but a mysterious man answered instead. He proceeded to say
“Who are you? Are you the one my daughter is fawning over? If so, we must meet in person to make some agreements”

And with that, Rama got dressed and headed over to Sita’s.

As he rang the doorbell he saw Sita’s father who was named Janaka. Before Rama could even get a word out Janaka said to come inside and sit. Rama was amazed by the display in the house. It was magnificent with vibrant colors and gaudy accessories in every corner. This was a lifestyle that he could imagine for himself. The purpose of Rama searching the house was to find Sita. Janaka said to Rama
“You will not find her here. She is somehow amazed by you. She always says ‘oh my god dad I like totally love him’. But I am very skeptical. You need to prove something to me before I allow you to be with my daughter. As you may know from Sita’s Instagram bio, I am the creator of PopTarts. In order for you to date my precious daughter I need you to get People magazine to follow you on any platform of your choosing. The reason I want People magazine is simple. I never got a fair shot at fame for making the delicious PopTart while others like Little Debbie have gotten spreads in their magazines! I need my time to shine, and you are going to get me there. With them following you, I can then contact them through your account saying I need to speak with their editors on very important matters. This is my “in”, and you are the one that is going to take me there.”

And with that Rama quickly ran out to get to his phone. He chose to use Twitter as his source of annoying People magazine. He began to tweet at them with such enthusiasm and flattery. He quickly realized that this would not work. Something would have to change, and it was that he would become a paparazzi. Rama went to Little Debbie’s house and began taking pictures to find out the biggest scandal of the year. Little Debbie is actually a man! Rama took the pictures straight to People magazine and was rewarded for his astounding information. In addition to the buckets on money he obtained, he insisted that they follow him on Twitter and they did just that.

Rama ran back to Janaka and told him the story. He held up his phone and showed him that People follows Rama. Sita then appeared from upstairs and squealed “My hero!”.

Rama and Sita actually began to date and were soon married. They truly loved each other, it was just a strange way getting there.

Author’s Note:

This is the cheesiest story that I have ever written, but I kind of had fun writing it. I was able to sort of make fun of the social media obsessed society that we live in today. A lot of people’s lives revolve around Twitter and Instagram and so that is where the inspiration came from. The original story is that Rama heard Sita with the bangles around her ankles. He went to see her and Janaka needed him to string and life the divine bow. Once he did this he was allowed to have Sita. In my story Rama needed to get People magazine to follow him on a platform before he gave over Sita. Like I said, this was a really silly story to write and props to you if you made it to the end, but I had fun writing it!

Bibliography: Stories of India's God and Heroes written by W. D. Monro A. D., online source


  1. I really like how you surrounded the story on the usage of social media as the main platform in someone's life. We truly live in a time where social media depicts so much of our personal lives. Your story expressed sort of a reality about the many avenues in which social media is used. It was pretty comical, especially the part when the father wanted Rama to publicize his PopTart company.

  2. Hi, Hannah! I thought this story was nothing less than brilliant. It’s definitely cheesy, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I love cheesy, and it worked with your story pretty well. I definitely love the fact that you make Janaka the creator of PopTart! But my favorite part might be the fact that Rama basically slid into Sita’s DMs through insta. It wasn’t expecting that at all, but it was hilarious.

  3. Hi Hannah!
    This was such a unique take on the original story, and that's what I love about it. The way you were able to incorporate social media, and twist the story with a more modernized approach was really great! It definitely was cheesy, but it also was a cute short story that could be a modernized children's tale. The only thing I might suggest is maybe having a little more dialogue, or the Twitter/Instagram direct message conversations in picture form. There's a way to do it with the generators that Dr. Gibbs provided in the Writing Styles page. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. Nice work!
