Sunday, January 22, 2017

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck's idea of growth mindset is really important. I think that she provides an alternate way of learning and developing.

Last semester I was in physiology and my professor gave us an extra credit assignment that was all about the growth mindset. It was a website where you took a quiz and it told you if you had a growth, fixed, or in between mindset. It was very eye opening. My results showed that I was in between. It mentioned how I was not using my full potential and that really made me think. I always thought of myself as trying the best I could and using every tool to learn, but these results allowed me to see that this isn't always true. After analyzing the results, I tried to learn and study in different ways and it helped! It helped me see that if I fail or don't do the best on an assignment, it doesn't define me but should rather push me to do better next time.

As previously mentioned in an earlier blog post, I just switched majors! My goals for this semester include trying to get a 4.0 GPA. I have yet to reach this goal in college and I really hope that I am able to achieve it! Following the growth mindset will help me reach this goal!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, reading your post made me realize that it is so easy for people to think that they reached their full potential, but how do we really know? I think our way of thinking is so much broader than what we give it credit for. Good luck with reaching a 4.0 GPA - believe in yourself and you can do it!
