Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reading Options

For Week 2, I plan on reading the online version of the Ramayana. This is the best option for me because I find myself studying at my apartment rather than at the library. Making a special trip to the library would be okay, but I would rather not have to. I also like the idea of having the audio files available because it will be nice to take a break from reading and just listen. Topics that I am interested in include people trying to gain power, whether it be through war, love, or or friendship. I have never read any Indian literature before and it’ll be interesting to see the difference from American literature. The only mythology that I have read was required my freshman year of high school. It was centered around Greek mythology and we had to read The Odyssey. It was really fascinating! I have always been somewhat interested in Indian culture because I have a good friend, named Tarun, that was born in India and moved to America when he was a kid. He often talks about his times in India and I find it fascinating how different it is to the way that I grew up. 
I have seen pictures before that are similar to the one above. They often have red eyes and very large body features. The pictures always tell a story. I find this picture interesting because the man looks very fragile but has gold jewelry which to me shows that he is powerful. 

I look forward to reading the Ramayana next week!

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