Monday, February 20, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Mahabharata, Part C

The line “Is it not the duty of a husband to protect his wife?” really got to me. I think that in a marriage, this is one of the most important things to believe in. The married couple must have unity and protect one another. Later in the story it says “Forgiveness is holiness”. I also really like this. I think that in a story I could write about a troubling marriage. There could be some sort of trust issues and there would be a major rift in the marriage. Eventually, they would realize that love is the most powerful force of all and that they must forgive one another. They would realize that their life is meaningless without one another. This would definitely be a love story. I write a lot of stories that involved love, so I might try and make it different than before. I would have the language used be meaningful and make the characters personalities shine through my writing. This might be difficult because I am not the best writer, but it would be something different for me. It would give me some more experience.

Arjuna and the Huntsman’s fight was a little strange. They were upset because they both shot the same boat. They began to fight, but no one was hurt. Instead the Huntsman granted Arjuna Gandiva, the divine bow. I could write a story based off of this chapter. Ultimately it would be about two men fighting over a certain object, only to realize that they do not need to fight at all. Instead, they would resolve the issue and not fight anymore. This would then transcend into future arguments with people. They would look back onto this time and remember what it was like. This would be a different story than I usually write. It would be a great way to get experience in different styles of literature.


Public Domain Mahabharata written by Mackenzie and Nivedita, online source

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